TORCH booklaunch party

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featuring forensic scientist
Rhona MacLeod

  Scottish Book of the month
September 2004






24th Sept 2003: The launch party for TORCH took place at the Why Not? nightclub in Edinburgh Ottakar's  George Street branch in Edinburgh.

First up were trips on the Crazy Fire Engine for
TORCH competition prize winners.

Then Gavin MacDougall of Luath Press gave some of the background to the success of DRIFTNET and the sales of overseas rights to DRIFTNET and TORCH, before introducing Lin Anderson.

Lin described some of her research for TORCH, and then read a passage highlighting some forensic aspects of fire investigation.

There followed an interesting question and answer session, covering issues such as how easy (or otherwise) it was to write a book that was part of a series, and what made Lin turn to the 'dark side' with her writing.

... back to TORCH events schedule

Crazy Fire Engine Crew

Lin Anderson





Lin Anderson then signed copies of
TORCH and DRIFTNET, and a great evening was rounded-off by Sedenka singing some songs with suitably fiery themes.

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