DRIFTNET Ottakar's event : Ayr

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the best-selling crime novel introducing
forensic scientist Rhona MacLeod


Scottish Book of the month
for August 2003


19th Aug 2003: The third event of the Ottakar's DRIFTNET launch 'tour' was at their Ayr branch. This was a two-author event in conjunction with Denise Mina, who was promoting her latest book SANCTUM.

David Gracie introduced the authors,   describing his memorable first encounter with Denise Mina at an Ottakar's training course, and how he had read and enjoyed the manuscript for Lin Anderson's
DRIFTNET when it was being considered for Scottish Book of the Month.

Both authors read passages from their books, and then David asked for questions. With a writers group in attendance, there was no shortage of questions about the process of writing, and everyone seemed to enjoy the lively discussion. 

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Lin Anderson and Denise Mina

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