DRIFTNET book launch

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the best-selling crime novel introducing
forensic scientist Rhona MacLeod


Scottish Book of the month
for August 2003


16th Aug 2003: There was a huge turnout of over 100 readers on a lovely sunny day at the Edinburgh Book Festival for the launch of DRIFTNET.

After an introduction from Gavin MacDougall of Luath Press, Lin Anderson read some extracts from
DRIFTNET, setting up the character of Rhona MacLeod, and outlining the incident that sets the plot of the book in motion.

Leaving her audience to find out more when they read the book, Lin thanked Luath Press for the enthusiasm and commitment they had shown in publishing DRIFTNET. She felt that Luath had displaying the sort of passion for DRIFTNET that had gripped her when she was writing it.

DRIFTNET already sitting at No.2 in the Scottish Top 10 best sellers, it was a  wonderful day for Lin Anderson, and for Rhona MacLeod.

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Gavin MacDougall of Luath Press

Lin Anderson

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