DRIFTNET Ottakar's event : Inverness

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the best-selling crime novel introducing
forensic scientist Rhona MacLeod


Scottish Book of the month
for August 2003


14th Aug 2003: The first event of the Ottakar's DRIFTNET launch 'tour' was at their branch in the Eastgate Shopping Centre in Inverness.

As well as readings from DRIFTNET by Lin Anderson, there were contributions from two other Luath authors, Emma Wood and Rob Gibson MSP. Emma was talking about her book THE HYDRO BOYS, and Ron gave the background to his book PLAIDS & BANDANAS.

Their were some interesting questions, including a discussion on how the three authors, each with quite different books, were all in some way commenting on Scotland as it is today.

It was confirmed that
DRIFTNET was one of the fastest selling books-of-the-month ever for the Inverness branch of Ottakar's.

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DRIFTNET events schedule

Lin Anderson, Emma Wood, Rob Gibson

Driftnet window display

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